Earthquake Warning Mathods

This article I aimed for all my friends around in the world.

The Earthquakes are currently everyone talking about it because at more time hit into Indonesia, This situation makes us anxiety and fear. We dread the arrival of its existence which is always abrupt.

But here I will share about the method for anticipation of the coming earthquake. Using some tool or material within simple make it and just to warning / alarm the people in the house or building to get out of the building immediately. It is a tool is not precision, like as Seismograph or other equipment that is owned by BMG and other related departments in detecting earthquakes.

Let's make a simple tool, easy and cheap as a warning / alarm earthquake.


  1. Pendulum metal
  2. Ring / barrier metal
  3. Cables
  4. Buzzer
  5. Battery / other current source for buzzer
  6. Board to place the pendulum and the others

How it’s working?

Pendulum swing if there have vibration / earthquake signal and it will touch the ring / metal barrier which all the material are connected with the DC voltage or other source and it will turn on a buzzer as ALARM or WARNING.

It’s a simple and easy tool /method, hopefully or more benefit for all people


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